SMS 6505

In 2010 we've run project named SMS 6505. This service worked for Telekomunikacja Polska clients they could get information about theirs accounts or run/stop some services. Earlier before sms 6505 started, to get this done they've need to contact with call center. Now all what they needed to do was send sms. Information about last bill or how many minutes did they used already and much more information was available after one sms sent. It was a big facilitation for clients which resulted decreased number of phonecalls to call center.

Count of functions on sms 6505 was increasing more and more. Status of your case, account balance, ordering invoice duplicate, checking data from invoice, ordering electronic invoice, getting params to configuring your home internet etc. It's only part of all possibilities for clients in SMS 6505

Information which you have gotten from SMS 6505 was the most actually because they was downloaded straight from the source system. Thanks of this when someone have finished phonecall and sent SMS to check his packet of minutes in dialplan he has gotten information which was including the last call too.

The part of those services was available for everyone (for example information about internet configuration). But the most of them was only for registered users. In first version client had to registered by calling to call center. In newer version registered was possible by sending right sms too.

This service have looked easy but it was real complicated inside. The first step in this solution was in perl script. This script was parsing text from sms, transformed it to request and insert to databse. The next step was taken this request by right application and execute it on right system. When it was request about account balance, application was checking it in main billing system. Case status was checking in CRM system etc. Most of those systems didn't had interfaces to connect with it. So we had must to simulated every step which normal user was doing. It was worked like in case which i wrote here about..

We could say that we have created some kind of virtual consultant who was working with sms 6505.

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